Friday, July 24, 2009

work, run, eat, watch cycling, sleep, repeat

sushi making attempt #1...success!

i just finished a long training week. 97 miles. yep, i ran 97 miles between last saturday and last night. that's a lot. and while its tempting to say that all i've been doing of late is eating sleeping and running, that wouldn't exactly fit the situation. i can tell i'm at peak volume before my race. i think i'm ready, but i find myself needing an extra hour or two of sleep. unfortunately, however, coverage of the tour always happens to be on right about the time i get home from evening workouts, and i always stay up to watch it. what can i say, its exciting.

i got a good chunk of my dissertation proposal written this week. writing the background section in grant proposal format is actually pretty hard. you write a sentence and then back up what you're saying by citing other studies. to give you an idea, for one page of writing, i have close to 30 citations, and that's only to get me started. i'll go back and add more. to do that backing up, you have to go back through all the papers and make sure you're citing them appropriately. its a good exercise in general though as i'm finding new articles that just came out that are relevant...and a few that aren't but are still interesting (if you have knee problems and/or osteoarthritis runs in your family, do yourself a favor and stop wearing shoes, or at least start wearing them significantly less than you currently are and when you do where them, wear slippers/flipflops). although the proposal isn't completely done, i feel like i have a much better handle on what i need to get done in the next month or two so that quals, grant and fellowship applications get out on time and with my resume looking as awesome as possible.

my take-home final went out for my signal processing class last night, so this weekend is going to involve lots of running and homework...and tomorrow i've invited a few people over to watch the tour and try rolling our own sushi. as i have (had) never attempted to make sushi before, i decided to make a practice batch of rice and subsequently, a tofu, cucumber, avocado roll for dinner tonight so i have some idea of what i am doing tomorrow!

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