Tuesday, May 25, 2010


i am moving out of german haus tomorrow. i have had 3 incredible years here. i had not thought much about how much i would miss it until my housemate hilda told me she had printed my goodbye picture. these pictures are put in frames and hung on the wall in the dining room so we all share the memories of living with those people. the picture that hilda handed me was one of jack and i a few years ago when we went to the full moon swim at barton springs. we are both flexing and have insanely cheesy grins on our faces. i've lived with jack all 3 years that i have been here. he has been a great roommate and was even crazy enough to do p90x with me this past fall. just one of many fun memories of things i've done with my housemates here. there are actually quite a few people (more than normal) moving out at the end of this semester to go home. its a bit bittersweet.

beauty also died this morning. she is our house cat who has lived here for at least 6 years. she had to be put to sleep as in the past week or so her health went from bad to worse.

lots of change happening everywhere around me. its crazy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

flying planes

for our monthiversary earlier this week, eric planned something special and i wasn't allowed to know what it was. he came over to pick me up from my co-op and telling me i just needed my water bottle and a blanket.

we drove down to zilker park and parked in the parking lot. then he opened the trunk of the car to reveal a picnic basket and a couple of remote control airplanes! we headed out to the middle of the field, set our stuff down and got out the planes. we flew them until the wind was too strong and then decided to start the picnic. we're mid-meal (pb & j's anyone?) and a woman walks by and comments about how there is a lot of lightning coming. a few minutes later it started to sprinkle so we packed everything back up and drove to another part of the park where we could sit on picnic tables in a pavilion. shortly after that it started to pour.

fortunately eric had brought our adventure book with him so we sat in the pavilion catching up on our adventure book entries until it got dark enough that it was difficult to see what we we were drawing. it was an awesome monthiversary.

otherwise, things have been crazy with school and life. i was able to collect all but one of the subjects i needed by the end of last week. two weekends ago was chris and julia's wedding (it was incredible!) and last weekend i met my mom in utah to go wedding dress shopping. i found a dress...its perfect! now we're on to invitations. i also just got approved for an apartment so i'm moving at the end of this month...which means now i get to outfit an apartment too!