Sunday, July 26, 2009

time to focus

yesterday was my 28th birthday. i went on a 30 mile run which involved 3 repeats of a 10 mile loop near my house for a total of ~10,000ft of climbing. between the running and the heat that came on at the start of the 3rd loop, i was ready to be done. afterward i went to get a massage, where the therapist may or may not have activated a trigger point for my right peroneous longus, making my ankle rather sore when i walked. not good, but at least it went away. for dinner, a bunch of friends came over to watch the tour and "roll your own" sushi. it was a great success. even more amazing in my opinion was the success of the mangoes with sticky rice we made for dessert...mmmm.

i've been mostly vegan lately for training and recovery purposes, so between the rootbeer and sushi last night and the lychee flavored mochi ice cream and queso i've had today, i think my body is headed into shock. its been delicious, but it also reminds me why i don't eat like this all the time. this has been a recovery weekend training-wise, so it works with the crappy eating i suppose. this will be the last reasonably big week of training for me before i start to taper.

and on a completely different note, ivan, kasaundra, mj, stella and i saw latest harry potter film today. i give it two thumbs up. people's hormones are out of control. the number of awkward scenes was awesome (in a cute sort of way).


Rory said...

Happy Birthday. Your running is insane, but I love it. See you soon!

Rory said...
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