Tuesday, July 14, 2009

papers, pacers and problem sets

don't get your hopes up too high for jaw dropping excitement, but its been an exciting 24 hours. first, this past saturday, my co-author who had been sitting on a draft of my paper for over a month, finally got his comments back to me. so yesterday, i made a few changes and finally (!!) sent the thing off to the journal. why is this exciting? well, this is my first biomechanics paper to go through the publication process. i now have to wait 1 - 3 months to get comments back from reviewers. the paper itself (assuming the reviewers don't destroy it) may not come out until next year, but its off my plate for the moment and that feels pretty good. now onto the dissertation proposal...i've been doing lots of reading and know what i'm doing for my project, but i just have to get it all down on paper.

the next exciting thing that happened was that i got an email back from my housemate jack (he's home in virginia for the summer). i sent jack an email a week or so and said, "so i'm doing this race. i can have pacers after 50 miles. pacing basically involves keeping me motivated while slowly running and aggressively hiking at ~10000 ft. elevation. you'll mostly be with me at night. we might get lost in the dark. sub-freezing temperatures are standard and rain and snow are possibilties. interested?" jack and i have lived together in the co-op for the last two years. he's part of my texas family and in the time i've known him, i've seen him go from a awkward, goofy, non-athlete to a focused, athletic, soon-to-be marine. we're supposed to do the muddy buddy together this fall--its a team race involving running and cyclocross, where teams of two alternate biking and running and hand off the bike to each other. when i started thinking about pacers for leadville, jack immediately came to mind. i don't think he'd quit if the conditions got bad. i don't think he'd let me quit either. maybe more importantly though, when he calls me crazy for wanting to do this, its more of along the lines of "that's crazy. what can i do to be a part of it?" jack emailed me yesterday to tell me that he would be coming to colorado to be one of my pacers.

as for the problem sets, i'm finishing up my last one for this class this week. next week is already the last week of lecture, and then all i have left is a take-home final!

this morning i was up before the sun for some running on town lake and a quick swim with michelle. sometimes, especially when the house thermostat is set to ideal sleeping conditions, i don't want to get out of bed when its still dark. this morning was one of the mornings, but i did anyway and rode my bike to barton springs . by the time i arrived, i was very happy to be up. the quiet of the morning hours is awesome. everything feels possible.

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