Thursday, February 12, 2009

core workout

one of the local bike/tri shops offers free core workouts on monday and wednesday nights. i went last night for the first time. during the workout, i found myself thinking that it was a good thing i was doing yoga again because otherwise i probably wouldn't have lasted through the whole workout. i ran home when we were done and as i was eating dinner my arms started feeling like rubber. at that point, i just thought it was amusing that my arms were tired but my abs weren't.

well, this afternoon, my abs started hurting. i'm still getting over a cold and coughing is more unpleasant than normal with sore abs. even moving to some degree makes me able to feel that they got a good workout. my friend claims that the monday workouts focus more on the upper body, so apparently i should be looking forward to having tired arms (from that workout) and legs (from the marathon) by monday night.

i had lunch today with a couple t4k people who i hadn't seen since...october? or maybe septemeber? regardless, it was fun to catch up and see how they were doing. we've basically decided to start a regular thursday lunch on campus, so i should get to see more of everyone. i went out with a few other people from the ride on monday night following a meeting we all attended and rode with some others on tuesday afternoon. i mentioned in an earlier post that seeing (t4k) people in the last few weeks had made me start crying again...but it (crying) started happening less and now its not happening anymore at all. its good. actually, its great.

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