Thursday, October 2, 2008

race update

the last rumor i heard was that there were 2300 athletes. this may not seem like a very large number to those unfamiliar with the sport, but i'll try to help you understand. have you ever seen a koi pond? when you drop a piece of bread into the water, the fish swim over each other in a frenzy trying to get to the bread. now imagine that instead of fish, there were people. ironman races have "mass starts" which means that everyone starts at the same time. so, this weekend, when the gun goes off, 2300 people will all start swimming at the same time, in the same small bit of water on the most direct route possible to the next buoy on the course. talk about an adrenaline rush.

i have been really happy lately and, in the last couple of days, find myself smiling for no reason at all. honestly, i'm not sure what the cause of this is. i'm not sure if it was evident from the descriptions i have written, but i've been getting that high during my workouts, for example, despite the fact that my workouts are shorter because of the taper. maybe though it is also a product of being excited about the next week and half. one week from today i'll be in hawaii!

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