Tuesday, October 21, 2008

mid-term fun

the craziness that is mid-terms is almost over. i spent the entire weekend save a 3 hour run and a walk to the library inside doing homework and studying. ugh. fortunately, however, i think this means my brain finally turned back on. yeah! i can now tell you more than you'd ever like to know about how to build a model to show that tumors grow assymetrically (writing the code for it was my saturday afternoon project), how you can analyze a bunch of genetic data using anova and what population dynamics for wolves and bunnies look like.

for my exam tomorrow, the professor came up with a profound insight on what to study for the exam: how to solve any order of differential equation without a computer. the class's response to this? um, shouldn't we have to know the stuff from our class notes? apparently not. we just have to know how to solve math problems. given what the problem sets have looked like so far in this class, i think the class (myself included) is rather scared. the professor gave us feedback forms yesterday to fill out so we could comment on how we thought the class was going so far for the semester. he sent out an email within an hour of the end of class clearly concerned with the feedback he got. as i discovered earlier today, i had forgotten to turn mine in, so evidently my classmates are deriving about the same amount of joy out of this class as i am.

in running news, its less than two months until dallas. i decided that recovery from travel and my last race had gone on long enough, so this week starts back to two-a-days a couple days a week. i'm still not quite on this time zone (its really easy to stay up really late, but harder to get up early in the morning), so mornings are a little rough, but after i start actually running, i'm feeling pretty good.

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