Tuesday, October 6, 2009

conference and dynamics

Faith and fear cannot coexist...Consider it this way: our net usable faith is what we have left to exercise after we subtract our sources of doubt and disbelief. . . . If your faith exceeds your doubt and disbelief, the answer is likely positive.
~Kevin W. Pearson

i had a great conference weekend. a lot of amazing talks were given. between sessions i was trying to cram as much dynamics into my head as possible in preparation for my mid-term this morning. part a of the first problem seemed okay, but i really have no idea how the rest went. maybe i need to have a bit more faith (or confidence) in my ability to do dynamics...or at least in the curve.

i do know however that the professor for the class agreed to be on my dissertation committee (fortunately he had not yet graded the exams!). i like this professor a) because i think he knows what he's talking about, b) because i think he'll challenge me and c) because he and his wife did a 12-hour bike time trial two weekends ago and he told me i should have been there. my kind of committee member.

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