Saturday, January 19, 2008

body choir

think hippies freestyle dancing in their pjs and that is roughly what body choir is like. i attended a session last night for the first time, and i have to say it was quite a liberating experience. the only rules are that you don't wear shoes (socks are optional), that you don't talk and that you be mindful of other people's personal space (i.e. this is not like going clubbing). there is a 'dj' that plays music--every type of music you can imagine, but mostly songs without words. fast, slow, rock, techno, turkish, you name it, it probably gets played. and people just dance. actually, if you are a terrible dancer by most definitions, you'd probably fit right in here--not that people are bad dancers because there are some very good ones, but this is more an exploration of movement, for lack of a better way of putting it. i danced, i skipped around the room with a friend or two, some people rolled around on the floor and others did aerial poses. i had a really big smile on my face the entire evening. if you like to dance, this is something you need to try.

Here is a link to info about Body Choir in Austin:

1 comment:

L said...

that sounds absolutely incredible! i'm bummed i'm not in austin anymore to try it out.