Sunday, January 13, 2008

hot or not

Just for you Rory. Here are a few pictures of the group I went out with for New Years in NYC...although I'm not sure the photos do full justice to the cuteness of my dress.

I got to play the Hot game in Austin last night for the first time. For those, not familiar with the Hot game, it involves getting into the car, rolling up all the windows and turning the heat on as high as it can go. The first person that has to crack the window because they're too hot loses. Playing this game was preceded by kayaking at sundown in shorts on Town Lake. If you're ever in town, I would recommend doing this--but make sure you do it when the sun is out. One of my housemates and I rented kayaks and then paddled up to the nearest dam and hung out for a bit. There are a lot of turtles in Town Lake.

The German Haus also hosted a back-to-school party last night to say goodbye to those who are taking off and welcome back to all returning (or new) for the term. I found/met a new friend from Brazil who salsa dances and I got to dance quite a bit! Guys--I highly recommend learning how to salsa, merengue, etc. Girls (or at least this one) find it very impressive. This was the first time I've really gotten to hangout with my housemates without having to worry about homework since this past summer. My second New Year's resolution is to be more social this term--hopefully I won't be too far derailed from this goal following the onset of classes.

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