Sunday, December 16, 2007

and that is how it's done.

this semester finally drew to a close yesterday with a 2pm on a saturday. maybe i've been spoiled the last few years, but prior to ut i only went to schools that had the decency to not make students take finals on a saturday. leading up to this final, i basically moved to san antonio so i could be at work for (on average) 10+ hours a day and not have to drive all the way back to austin. so, while i probably should have been studying all week, i was at work. there are a few good things that came out of this though. first, i found another use for my oceanography background in biomechanics. i took a physical oceanography statistics class one semester and i learned how to do spectral analyses on buoy data to determine whether or not there would be big wave events in waimea. this past week, i was looking at another dataset and realized i could use that same analysis to examine how people move when exposed to perturbations in a virtual reality system. it was pretty exciting to see how i could take the analytical technique and (successfully) apply it to something completely different. the other thing that happened this week was that i got to watch the stanford-usc game in the semifinal of the women's ncaa volleyball championships. i was staying with a co-worker while i was in san antonio who is an avid volleyball player. it was really nice to sit around on a very comfortable couch and watch sports. i realize that this may sound trivial, but with my semester as crazy as it was, this was actually a very nice break from the norm.

that i am now on winter break has not yet set in. tomorrow i will be off to honolulu. yeah for warm weather!

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