Saturday, October 6, 2007

skin like leather

One of my grandfathers was a carpenter and spent a lot of time working outside. My mom always told me the skin on his forearms was like leather from all the sun exposure, and I, in turn, always thought the description was figurative. That is until this morning. A saw a woman while I was running this morning whose skin looked like leather. She was running in a sports bra, and all the skin that was exposed was an unnatural shade of brown and looked like a leather jacket. It even moved like leather when she twisted her upper body from side to side as she swung her arms. I was seriously disturbed by this. What made it even more amazing was that she wasn't old. She looked in her 30s or early 40s. The moral of this story is that you should wear sunscreen. Being "sun-kissed" is great, but looking like a cowhide is pretty gross.

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