Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Yep, that's right. It dropped into the upper 70's this morning. I wore a sweatshirt on my walk to work. It felt amazing. There are also dead leaves on the ground--not enough to crunch yet though. One would almost think that fall is starting, and having not had a proper "fall" for the last several years, this is not a trivial thing.

In case anyone was unsure whether or not prayers are actually answered, I can hereby assure you that praying does, in fact, work. My lab equipment (for my class) broke last Thursday and thus, I had no data to analyze over the weekend. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. It's nice to be able to sleep and read and do laundry and fix things (or bring them to other people to fix) and watch a movie...and do all the other homework that I had been meaning to, but couldn't because I had always been working on my lab homework. Having time to get the "other" essentials done is just so nice.

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