Tuesday, January 27, 2009


i'm not living in it at the moment, but it is foggy outside. have you ever had something happen where in a single moment you see things as they are? i had one of those moments yesterday. i'll be honest. this particular moment caused a lot of memories that had been happily buried in the recesses of my mind to come back to life, and it made several months of my life look like some sort of joke. i love feeling like i'm an inch tall. oh, and please, stick the knife in a little deeper...now twist--man does that feel good! on a less sarcastic note, thank you gokce, hilda and lindsay for listening to why something so stupid could hurt so deeply.

after that moment of clarity, i left work, went for a walk, had a root beer and somehow managed to get myself into a contest with one of my (male) housemates to see who could have better abs by june 1 (oops). due to various forms of stress, we've both lost a bunch of weight in the last 6 months, so really this is a contest to see who can do the most hard core workouts. several other housemates heard about it and want to join in or serve as judges, so now the pressure is on! ironically (or not?), hilda baked delicious oatmeal cookies last night to start us on our way.

despite not much sleep last night (i had to ask people to stop singing outside my window at 3:15 AM), i actually had a really great run this morning. it was only 7 miles, but the weather was great (the cold front hadn't reached austin yet). as of this morning, i also now have someone with whom to run the austin marathon in a couple weeks. leya, one of the women i used to coach in hawaii, lives here in austin with her husband gerald and their son maika now, and i'm going to pace her. i'm looking forward to it as we'll have some time to catch up!

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