Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the day i became a mac user

yep, that's right. i bought a macbook today and am happily playing with my new toy. i have had my other laptop for about five and a half years now, and it has served me well. i was talking to a few people over break who said i could wipe the hard drive and reinstall everything and that this might give me another year out of it. otherwise, i should start thinking about getting a new one. thank goodness for sales at the ut computing center though because i went in expecting to pay a hefty chunk of change and left with several hundred dollars still in my pocket which i hadn't anticipated. even the sales guy looked surprised when he rang me up.

anyhow, as you may have guessed, this trip to the ut computing store does indeed mean that i made it safely back to texas. the sun is shining and the temperature is generally fantastic. i'm thoroughly enjoying seeing everyone again. last night i cleaned up a pile of papers that has been living underneath (and on?) my desk since...somtime early last year. it got packed for the summer, but came back in force as soon as the fall semester started. today has been a lot of running errands and i'm currently hanging out at the house waiting for someone to come do an inspection of our stove hood. yeah for errands and chores upon returning from vacation!

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