Monday, November 17, 2008


i didn't get in trouble much at school when i was little. i remember in first grade the teacher yelled at me for shouting once. evidently i was traumatized because i didn't really speak up again until college. however, from a rather young age, i decided that to be rebellious i had to think everything the opposite of my parents. in second grade, i changed the spelling of my name. seriously. i just think i liked the other spelling better, so i decided to disagree with the spelling they had given me and use a different one. it stuck. a couple years ago my mother spelled my name the 'old' way on something, and even my little brother's girlfriend new it was wrong. we all gave her (my mom) a hard time about that, but i digress.

recently, i was talking to my mother on the phone and my dad was saying something in the background. my mother tells me to hang on a second and that my father needs to give me his opinion on something on the latest political dilemma in california. so my dad gets on the phone and proceeds to rant for a good 15 or 20 minutes. meanwhile i listen on the other end shocked to discover that i actually share my father's point of view on this particular subject. then something completely horrifying begins to cross my mind--maybe my parents are a bit more liberal than i thought they were and *gasp* my plan to be rebellious is no longer working. crap!

in general, parents seem to go through a particularly long uncool phase. it starts when you're in your early teens and lasts sometime into your 20s. my parents started to come out of their uncool phase a bunch of years ago now, but today my father really stepped up his game. he invited me to join his linkedin network. dear goodness, my father is on a networking site that i don't even use that much (but which definitely is trendy)!

this gives me hope. the way i figure it, this is a good sign that one of these days i will be able to successfully teach my parents how to take the pictures off their digital camera...really this is completely selfish because if i teach them this maybe they'll actually post pictures of their adventures. you see, my parents also happen to have a phone which takes pictures and from time to time they try to send me a picture. my phone? well, i can't even receive picture messages, let alone take them.

i'm afraid i'm starting to fall behind on the technology front here folks. i'm going back to coding.

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