Saturday, June 18, 2011

eat more fruit!

all of my reading lately has led me to the conclusion that i should be eating more fruit and less dessert. in theory i already knew this, but sometimes it takes a few scary statistics to drive it home. this morning i went to a (relatively) nearby organic farm to pick fruit (note: i had been planning to do this independent of any scary statistics. berry picking is so much fun!). this was the first day they were open for the pick-your-own season and the bushes were bending over because they were so heavy with berries.
they gave me a bucket and pointed me to a field. i was enjoying myself so much i just kept going until the bucket was full (5lbs of blueberries!). afterward i went to another section of the farm for red and black raspberries. the best part was you could eat while you picked. yum!

so this is what $20 of fresh picked organic berries looks like. i froze a bunch of the blueberries for future smoothies.

prior to berry picking i also stopped by the farmers market (its amazing how much time you have on saturday morning of a recovery week in training!). lots of greens were to be seen. i'm excited to watch the market develop as the summer progresses and more fruits and veggies ripen.
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1 comment:

Beth said...

oh how i adore blueberries!!!