i just finished reading cheap by ellen ruppel shell. i highly recommend it although i'm not sure i will shop the same way again. the author examines discount culture in america, how it affects our economy, how it affects works rights, how it affects product quality and more.
my head is spinning with reflections on how it all fits in with my life. its especially timely as i am finishing up school and possibly will start making more money than i do now. i feel lucky that eric and i are on the same page when it comes to investing in quality products--be it food, clothes or what have you. he doesn't look at me like i have two left eyes when i say i want to try something new, which will invariably affect him as well.
in completely unrelated news, i have begun writing the last chapters of my dissertation. i figure if i write just a few pages a day i will be done in a few weeks...and then it will be a matter of editing text and changing figures. sometimes its difficult to sit down and concentrate on actually writing, but when i get going the words seem to simply flow out of me.
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