Wednesday, June 16, 2010

grandma's china

my aunt sent me my grandma's china and it arrived in my apartment this morning. a bunch of the tea cups didn't make it in the shipping, but other than those, there were complete place settings for 8 and another 4 partial settings. its so beautiful.

its funny how when you're young you think you're completely different from your family. but then as you get older, you hear stories about people and realize that you actually have a lot in common. my mom told my brothers and i not too long ago that my grandfather (her father) used to go out dancing all time. he loved to dance. one of my brothers and i both seem to have inherited some sense of rhythm and love to dance. my grandmother had excellent taste in china...or maybe i inherited her good taste. i think i also inherited my aunt bridget's draw to the divine as well as her ability to find a good deal. and this is all aside from all the similarities i seem to have to my parents. maybe some of it is coincidence, maybe its not, but it sure is interesting!

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