Thursday, April 1, 2010

live from PE class?

one of my labmates had to go out of town and needed to people to cover his classes for him. one of the classes he tas is basketball. so today i discovered where the gyms are at gregory gym. i'm currently sitting inside the very nice tennis courts, below the jogging track, dressed (according to my housemates) like i'm going to dance class because i didn't feel like getting dressed up today (and by that i mean i didn't want to wear jeans). the joys of being a grad student where i can get away with that!

my grant proposal was supposed to be turned in yesterday, but my advisor didn't get around to looking at anything i sent him last week until yesterday...he sent me comments back yesterday afternoon while i was ta-ing. needless to say i was a tad frustrated. its really annoying when people expect you to suddenly have free time to make up for their lateness (this is me having very little sympathy). instead i had to email the person i was supposed to give everything to yesterday to tell her that due to jon not getting stuff to me i wouldn't be able to get everything to her until today. sigh.

at least its almost the weekend! general conference during the day and then a bunch of the girls from church are getting together to decorate Easter eggs saturday night! i love opportunities to be creative, particularly when work/school has been stressful.

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