Monday, December 29, 2008

go play outside

"biologist tim clark says at the heart of good biology is a central core of imagination. it is the basis for responsible science. and it has everything to do with intimacy, spending time outside.

but we forget because we spend so much time inside--inside offices, inside boardrooms, inside universities, inside hearings, inside eating power breakfasts, power lunches, dinners and drinks.

to protect what we love outside, we are inside scheming, talking, telephoning, writing, granting, faxing memos, memos, memos, memos to them, to us; inside to protect what we love outside.

there is no defense against an open heart and a supple body in dialogue with wildness. internal strength is an absorption of the external landscape. we are informed by beauty, raw and sensual. through an erotics of place our sensitivity becomes our sensibility."

~from an unspoken hunger by terry tempest williams

the guiding thought in my life recently: go play outside. i have been plagued with an inability to sit still. i'm supposed to be taking time "off" to let my knee fully heal. i suppose its been a couple weeks, which is good, but i'm itching to get going again. using a car to do errands is driving me nuts (no pun intended), and i can only read so many books before i start thinking i should be doing stuff instead of reading about it (i read mostly non-fiction lately). i'm excited for tahoe and spending all day outside. less than 2 days to go!

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