Tuesday, April 8, 2008

end of the term fun

the stars game was awesome. at least two people got ejected in the first 10 minutes of the game and i lost count of how many fights there were after about five...apparently it's not normal to see this much fighting, so i might be spoiled now. before the game we got to meet the executive vp of the team, which was pretty cool. in part he is responsible for the development of hockey culture, if you will, in texas (or dallas at least). in the last 10 years, the youth hockey program in the city has gone from 4 teams to more than 70. that is a pretty impressive statistic.

attending the game was a blatant act of procrastination with respect to the end-of-the-term academic fun i was supposed to be having. today, i have a problem set and take-home exam due. i mostly finished the problem set last week in anticipation of working on the exam more over the weekend...and then at 8a this morning (7.5 hours before the pset is due), my advisor (the prof for the class) sends out an email saying that we could turn the pset in on thursday. bastard. especially after i get a text message at 3:30a from someone informing me they just went streaking down lamar. i could have been streaking instead of re-copying my problem set into the appropriate format.

my take-home exam on the other hand still appears to be due today. i called my boss on sunday night and let him know i wouldn't be coming into work on monday. at this point, i haven't missed work for school purposes, but this was a necessity. it took me about 12 hours of solid working (maybe a little more) to finish this thing on monday (in addition the hours i spent working on previous to monday). it grinds my gears to have to turn in something when i really don't know that i did most of it right, and this is exactly the feeling i'm having about the first three problems on this exam. at least all that stands between me and the end of the term are a pset, two final projects, four article reviews and a final. oh and that's the other thing...one of my final projects was assigned last week and is supposed to involve a novel analysis on some aspect of our research plus a paper in journal format. i realize that phd stands for piled higher and deeper, but i feel like assignments like this just encourage making the pile unstably tall. it is a constant source of amazement to me though how things always get done in the end. happy end-of-the-term!


Rory said...

I was camping in the snow yesterday. Today it also is piling higher and deeper.

trish said...

i want to go camping in the snow...i have a new 15degree sleeping bag :) unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) it is in the 80s here and humid. it is fantastic.

CMacPh said...

Hi, Adventure Seeker:

Great blog. Howl at moon ;-) Here are some swims I'm thinking about: Chesapeake Bay, Alcatraz Swim, Coast of France Aug 08, La Jolla Rough Water Swim 3 mi 8 Sep 08, Tiburon Mile (Lake Tahoe) 5 Oct 08, Bermuda Round the Sound 15 Oct 08, St. Croix 5 mi ~21 Oct 08, Catalina Channel 21 mi (open water -- cold), Maui Channel Swim,
US Nationals meet (in Austin, ~1 - 4 May 2008), Cable Swims (freshwater). I'd prefer to go not solo. I clicked "email follow up comments to my email address."

trish said...

I think I need to get back in decent swimming shape before I commit to any of those, but that sounds like a great schedule! Good luck! I've had friends do Alcatraz and the Maui Channel swim and both were apparently good. I hope you did well at Nationals! I was going to try to volunteer (or at least go watch) but final term projects for school got stuck in my way (bad excuse considering how close I live to the venue). Its hard to commit to swim races at the moment since the next big adventure for me is the bike ride to Alaska...but I'll be sure to swim in as many cold mountain lakes as possible this summer!