Monday, February 18, 2008

a beautiful day to run...and ride...and eat

therefore running, riding and eating was exactly what i did. i had never run a marathon bandit before, but i have to say it was quite enjoyable. you don't worry about what your time will be or whether or not you tapered (or trained) enough. you just get up the morning of the race, throw on your running shoes and head out the door. there were four of us who started together. david was officially registered for the austin half-marathon and hilda for the full marathon. jakub and i both ran bandit. we were getting ready to walk to the start in the morning and instead of packing running type things like gus and water, jakub packed a squirt gun. there is a true bandit runner for you. we decided that we should make official bandit runner tshirts for future adventures. anyhow, running as sherpa for a friend is a lot of fun. hilda, jakub and i ran the whole marathon together and finished in about 3:50. it started out a little cold in the morning, but the sun came out and it warmed up nicely. our other housemate ralf found us about 4 miles out from the finish and documented the rough miles. i hope to put a picture or two up soon.

after a quick lunch, i went out and rode with the texas 4000 bunch. we had a bunch of new riders which is always fun--lots of falling over when stopping, which bruises the ego way more than the body but is still amusing to watch. it reminds you how much you had to learn when you first started riding. that and it was like coaching again, which i have been missing the last year. we have a training camp coming up this weekend, so hopefully the weather will be as nice as it was yesterday. and no day with this much activity would be complete without a tuna and jelly sandwich, so after my ride i had one. it was delicious. if you're a skeptic austinite, we should ride (or run) together some time and then you can come over for a post-workout sandwich.

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