Saturday, November 10, 2007

riding through the rockies

i found out i will be riding through the rockies on my way up to alaska this summer as i was asked to be the director of the rockies route. while i don't study cycling, i have found a fun and interesting way to prepare for the route at work. we were testing the virtual reality system i work on the other day, and the vr environment designer, who is from colorado, made the mountains look like the rockies. now all we need to do is convince them to get us one of the scent machines to go with the system, and we could have a custom mountain smell made.

if anyone was watching cnn, yesterday morning, you may have seen where i work and a couple of my bosses. the president came to check out the facility and meet some of the patients. the spurs where there a couple weeks ago which was pretty neat because they played a game of wheelchair basketball with a bunch of the patients.

1 comment:

Rory said...

The Rockies are awesome. I am so excited that you get to ride for a long time. I get to sit in an airplane for a long time...