Tuesday, November 4, 2008

face plant

the last couple weeks i have spent a lot of time thinking about the possibility of tripping while i'm running. i do this for two main reasons: 1) i'm running in the dark and can't see anything and 2) i study tripping so i just think its interesting. the more you're out running (or walking) the more likely you are to trip because there are just that many more opportunities to do so.

well this morning my steps were up. i had gone too many without falling, so it was time. i tripped over a crack in the sidewalk running across the i-35 bridge on 7 mile town lake loop. it was light out. i could see where i was going, but evidently i missed the unevenness of the pavement. it hurt like the dickens, but i got back up and kept running because that was the fastest way to get back to my house. hydrogen peroxide didn't bother the rather deep gash on my knee, but holy smokes, i do not recommend putting it on even a minor scratch on your palms--ouch!

today's lesson: watch where you're going and don't think that just because its light out you can pay less attention.

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