Saturday, April 19, 2008

beautiful weather?

i got into boston yesterday and it was sunny with temperatures in the mid-70s...seriously. this morning when i got up, it was again sunny and in the 60s. the contrast in weather between this year and last is amazing. last year it was cold and rainy the entire time i was here. and when i say rainy, i mean torrential downpour, non-stop...until about 60 seconds before the start gun fired. the forecast this year for race day is mid-50s with light rain until the race start and partly sunny during the race itself. for those not familiar with ideal marathoning weather, that forecast is for ideal race conditions (as long as the rain really does hold off).

i met up with a bunch of friends from college last night to watch the red sox game and catch up on life. first i would like to say that the rangers got their rearends royally kicked by the red sox last night. i think they're playing again on this weekend, and i know there's a game on race day...while i'm a fan of the red sox, texas needs to get it's act together. a lot of my friends from college are nearing the end of their phds at this point, and others are now thinking about going back to school and getting a phd. i love this group of friends for a number of reasons, but one of the top ones is that they have no problem with school. it makes me feel normal. a couple people are in md/phd programs and a couple more are thinking about going into them...and they're my age, which means it's going to be awhile before they actually get done with school. i've been kicking around the idea of med school for while now. i plan on finishing my phd first (as most of those aforementioned friends have done), but what i do afterwards is as yet to be determined. because i do clinically-relevant research though, the next few years should enable me to see if i need an md (in addition to my phd) to do what i want to do. in the meantime i will just be trying to absorb as much information and talk to as many people as i can.

1 comment:

L said...

figures i would miss the beautiful boston weather :) wish i could be there! good luck!!