Tuesday, April 29, 2008

austin update

i've been back in austin for about a week now...and i basically hit the ground running as soon as i got back into town. i have one of my term papers pretty much finished and the other only needs a few more pages added. both are now due on monday. joy. i'm giving one presentation today and one on thursday, but basically i'm done with classes by the end of the week except for a final on the 10th. i'm not sure i've been this excited to be done with classes in a long time. its been a crazy term and i'm ready to not have to do homework for a few months.

this past weekend we had the tx4k-ers take the official "century test." we require that everyone complete a 100 mile ride before we go. this basically just ensures that everyone is actually capable of completing the distance but also goes a long way towards getting people to actually train. i am happy to report we had a 100% completion rate on saturday. i'm still a little worried about a couple people, but on the whole, i was happy to see how everyone did. we had a gorgeous day to ride, which was a nice surprise given the strength of the thunderstorms we had the previous evening. that ride was the first time in awhile i've been able to go out on a ride that long and not take breaks to wait for people. it was awesome. my legs were still sore from the marathon, but i think the cycling helped a lot actually. i could feel some fatigue when i hit the hills, but that's to be expected on some level. now that the marathon is over, i'm excited to be on the bike and in the pool more...that and to write the thank you notes. i've had the letters printed out for awhile and just need to write a little note on them and send them out...but somehow its been slipping through the cracks the past month and a half. yikes!

happy end of the term to all!

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