Tuesday, March 18, 2008

texas weather

i haven't complained about the weather in texas in awhile, so i figured now would be as good a time as ever. what is up with rogue storms here? we got slammed on the last leg of our spring break trip, which i already mentioned. this afternoon, however, the sky got super dark (not due to nightfall) and my labmates and i started wondering if it was the end of the world. then it started hailing and pouring down rain. i had class and by the time i got out the air temperature outside had dropped and it was quite chilly...but not raining.

on a cycling related note, one of my labmates is also a long distance triathlete. she hasn't been doing long rides a lot recently as her next im isn't until florida, but she asked if i would be up for a long ride this weekend. i asked her to define 'long'? and she said, 'well, i was thinking something less than 120 miles.' i replied, 'game on.' i haven't gotten to ride with her yet, but our im times are roughly the same so we should be good. i love having friends that will just up and do 100+ mile rides with me. keep your fingers crossed for nice weather this weekend!

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