Friday, March 21, 2008

full moon swimming

not quite surfing at queens at midnight, but swimming at barton springs during the full moon is quite enjoyable...and freakin' cold. there are lights on and the pool is open 9-10p. a group of regulars go for the full moon swim. before diving in, everyone howls at the moon. afterwards, potluck refreshments are served. a group of at least 10 of us from the german haus represented tonight. i think the bravest souls lasted for maybe 20 minutes. and some of us (or maybe just me) had to play the hot game in the car on the way home, then take a really long hot shower and then bundle up in polar fleece. i know people said i'd get used to cold weather but evidently adaptation (or even tolerance) has not yet occurred. either way, next full moon, i'm going again. next time though, one of my roommates and i are running to the swim...with the idea that jumping in will be a much more pleasant experience if we're warmed up from running. look out for werewolves.

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