Friday, December 3, 2010

last day of classes

today was the last day of classes for my last fall semester in school. that's kind of weird. not sad. just weird. i feel fortunate that the professor for who i am ta-ing this semester does not need me to help proctor the final. my schedule next week will be filled with nothing but research and i am excited for that.

eric and i finally gave up trying to look for cities where we both might be able to find something to do. we realized that we needed to just apply everywhere, including areas where there are opportunities for us both, and then to wait and see if and where we got offers. this week i sent off one faculty, two postdoc and three job applications. there are a couple more postdocs i want to apply for and i'm keeping my eyes open for the right faculty positions.

i am really excited for the holidays this year. i follow a number of minimalist blogs and many of the writers have been reflecting on holiday traditions and how tradition and time spent with family and friends is what makes the holidays what they are...not the hustle and bustle and need to shop for things people do not need. i definitely find myself slowing down and looking forward to the post-semester relaxation period. tomorrow eric and i will be joining friends for a ThanksChristmas celebration with a friend who had to work over thanksgiving. happy start of the holiday season and end of fall semester everyone!

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