Thursday, August 26, 2010


our apartment is currently so full of stuff i have to step aside to let eric pass me if we're trying to move about. we have two extra beds from when we moved not to mention tons of boxes from shipping of wedding presents. we haven't had time to go through everything yet given how we have basically been out of town since the wedding. a friend of ours told us today that it never gets better and we looked at him and at each other and said with certainty that it will get better. we both value space and there is currently anything but.

i have been following minimalist blogs on and off for awhile now. every couple months i seem to go through a phase where i need to declutter. i take books i have read and don't plan to read again to half-price books. i get rid of clothes that don't fit or that i just don't wear. other than my bikes, i just don't like having tons of stuff around, and i am starting to question the need to have three bikes in texas. i think i could probably do with one less? one of the blogs i follow is called miss minimalist. her most recent post was about ways to simplify your life. i think part of the reason some of this appeals to me so much is that i frequently find myself feeling like i don't have enough time lately...and so by paring down my schedule and the number of "things" i have to look after, i have generally found i have a little more free time and piece of mind. i feel like i have more time to try new recipes and read books and write in my journal...its just, well, nice.

i also deactivated my facebook account yesterday. i felt like i was spending to much time on it, so i just quit. i am preparing to not know what's going on every moment of people's lives. i am hoping that in doing this i will have more time to work and to actually interact with people in person. the latter in particular maybe a bit of a whimsical idea, but i figure its worth a shot. with my new found free time i may also post a few photos of the apartment and all the amazing food i got to enjoy when i was back east last week!

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