Tuesday, March 30, 2010

time goes by fast

this morning i got an email from my sorority saying something about celebrating 10 years of membership. my immediately reaction was, oh how cute, they're celebrating people who have been in the sorority for 10 years. then i realized that 2010 marks 10 years since *I* joined the sorority during my sophomore year of college. it is crazy how fast 10 years can go. it doesn't seem like college was THAT long ago.

i'm getting antsy for summer. one of my housemates was having a bit of a rough morning and was joking that it felt like a monday. i few minutes later i walked into the kitchen to observe him cleaning up his oatmeal which had exploded out of the bowl in the microwave. i told him to remember that it was monday. at that point, the three other people in the kitchen turned to me and said, wait, its monday? we all started laughing as we realized that it wasn't okay to make jokes about what day it is at this point in the semester. no one really knows what day it is. all they know is that the work load is picking up and summer can't come quick enough!

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