Friday, February 6, 2009

7 marathons, 7 continents, less than one week

someone from hctr sent an interesting link to the list today. a man ran 7 marathons, one on each continent in less than one week. he's the head of ultrarunning ireland. pretty cool.

i was out celebrating a couple friends birthdays last night and was asked at one point if i would be interested in helping to organize the tribute dinner for texas 4000. at this point another friend stepped in and said no and we got into a discussion on the ability to not do everything all the time. i have been struggling lately with the lack of structure in my life. i'm so used to being overscheduled that i don't know how to deal with not being overscheduled.

i'm sleeping less and feel more awake in the morning than i did a month ago. i'm running more, doing more yoga and started climbing. most nights i go do stuff with people after work. i will admit, i don't know what to do right now. i've figured out over the years that i have to exercise enough that i can actually sit still at work and concentrate. by shear numbers, i should be okay to work, but i'm struggling to not be moving constantly...

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