i had a very satisfying evening yesterday. i was making dinner for my co-op and attempted baking bread for the first time--from scratch! and it worked! and people said they liked it! and it wasn't just because they were trying to be polite! i took pictures and will try to get one up soon.
i also got my first taste at grading last night. my advisor has 23 students in one of his grad classes so he's making his post-doc, one of his other students and i help with the grading. i've never had to ta or anything so i suppose this is my introduction. i have quickly developed an affinity towards students who actually complete the whole assignment and who clearly label their answers.
my friend eric and i have lived in the same city for about the last 10 years. it has been unintentional and highly amusing. we met in college (in boston). i moved to hawaii the year after he did and he moved to austin the day after i did. we currently live about 8 blocks from each other. well, i found out earlier this week that eric's leaving austin next week. i (jokingly) confronted him about this as i'm still going to be here for another 2 years and therefore can't follow him wherever. he said he wasn't worried about it as we'd likely be meeting again in hawaii in a couple years before we moved on to our next place. i told him 2.5 years, not that i was counting and he said he didn't think a little counting was a bad thing. i've decided i agree.
i'm going to try and make it out for 90ish minute run tonight with the ultra team. its a no-drop run, meaning no one gets left behind. it should be a good opportunity to meet a bunch of people. i'm excited...but also concerned that we're starting (and finishing) at a hill named the "hill of life." generally if hills here have names, they are something to be reckoned with...
while this is my blog and i shouldn't necessarily apologize for expressing my opinions, i apologize for the uncharacteristic anger/frustration in the tone of yesterday's post. as i said, a bunch of memories came back and combined with other things that had happened recently and a complete lack of sleep, it was kind of a rough patch. i'm happy again now :O)
haha... reminds me of how a couple of weeks ago school was cancelled and all government employees got the day off due to forcasted wind, which never came. just our usual little breezes.
oh and... i think someone needs to name the hills in my new neighborhood. and i am not talking about street names. running or not they are something to be reckoned with. you can ask either the brakes on my car or my legs. both could testify to such reckonings.
if you give me some qualities of the hills, i'll help you name them :)
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