Thursday, May 8, 2008

just keep swimming, swimming, swimming

that's what i did this morning. i woke up and didn't feel like working out. that was weird. so i went to the library to start studying for my final, but i only lasted an hour before i needed to get up and do something. i headed to the pool to swim, and figured that since i hadn't been swimming in awhile and was apparently experiencing a severe lack of motivation, it would be good to get in just a nice 2000 yd swim. well i started swimming and my body felt like a rock. i kept going though and 4000 yds later, i finally made myself get out of the pool and go back to studying. unfortunately though, i found out today that if i'm not registered for classes during the summer, my gym pass on campus stops on may 13th, which is next tuesday. bummer. so i think i'm going to start doing early morning runs to barton springs and swimming there for a bit and then running home. i only have to worry about this dilemma for about 2.5 more weeks though because then its off to the netherlands, then back to austin for a week and then i'm headed to alaska! the trip is now less than one month away. woohoo!

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