Tuesday, September 25, 2007

yawns are contagious

You know how when you see someone yawn, you start yawning too? I think talking about being tired and sleeping in class might also be contagious. My labmates and I were comparing stories of boring classes. Well, maybe the classes are not really boring, but you just find yourself nodding off in them most of the time. They told me about a class that I'll have to talk in about a year. Neither one of them has made it through a single day of this particular class without starting to fall asleep. Shortly after this discussion, I head into my 2pm class. Sometimes this class can be a challenge because it is immediately following another 1.5 hr class and is held roughly during the time one would like to take an afternoon nap. I was struggling through class today, and then someone started snoring. I had a lot of sympathy for that guy.

The comic I posted is from PhD comics (www.phdcomics.com). My officemate and I were in charge of the grad student organization for our department one year, and we started a snack fridge downstairs in the lounge. Oh wait, it wasn't the lounge. I forgot you can't call it that. The grad student common room....no...collaboration parlor? Euphemisms are great. Either way, I'm not sure we have one here...maybe people just sit in the stadium.

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